Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Post Hoc Ergo Propter hoc

It's been a year
I am still here

I had time to think
Think alot.
Like The Bard is only praised
Because of colonialism
That's a sad thought.

Everything is rising
Heat, Water level & Prices
I can't afford to keep my vices
Which is not very surprising

I have let go of my obsession
with worldly affairs
Focusing on my sole heir
To avoid any drama of Succesion

Post Op, I asked the Doc
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Probably not, he said,
Just take a walk.

I know this is poor poetry
which only proves
I didn't use ChatGPT
Cogito, ergo sum

Not trying to start a revolution
just checking if I can
afford to alliterate after aneurysm.

But one day my time will come
And few might shed a tear
But fret not Mon frère
I will be Here.