Showing posts with label Greetings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greetings. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

India Celebrates 62nd Republic Day

click to enlarge

Of all the experiments in government, which have been attempted since the beginning of time, I believe that the Indian venture into parliamentary government is the most exciting. A vast subcontinent is attempting to apply to its tens and thousands of millions a system of free democracy... It is a brave thing to try to do so. The Indian venture is not a pale imitation of our practice at home, but a magnified and multiplied reproduction on a scale we have never dreamt of. If it succeeds, its influence on Asia is incalculable for good. Whatever the outcome we must honour those who attempt it. 
 Sir Anthony Eden, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 Everyone

The stars of my story The Geek & Ghost would like to Wish all our readers a very
Prosperous & Peaceful 2010

Thursday, October 15, 2009


May the Divine Light of Diwali

Spread into your Life

Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali

Monday, October 12, 2009

THANK YOU ALL for My B’day Blast

This post is to thank everyone who saved my birthday to become the best one till date (aren’t these smileys cool )

Thanks to Him…I was alive to celebrate my birthday .

Thanks to unknown aliens who r in a galaxy far far way for not attacking earth and steal my thunder.

Thanks to Mayan calendar who assured me world wont end before 2012 and i can go ahead with my plans

Thanks to my family for wishing me (each one did at different timings so i had my family wishing throughout the day)

Thanks to Neha to be the first one to wish me exactly @ 12am.

Thanks to Snigi who kept herself awake to wish me @ 12 and wished me @12.02 am – merci beacoup

Thanks to Rajiv who kept trying and finally caught me on call and wished me @ 12.10 am

Thanks to Tiger who called @ 12.45 after driving for 400kms in bike through flood filled AP.

Thanks to Anbu, Nisha who woke me up with their wishes proving distance,time or frequency of talking does not hinder friendship

A Big THANKS to all my friends & relatives for their orkut scraps and wall posts and phone calls

Thanks to Vijay Mallya to have build such an airy and luxurious UB city smile_regular

Thanks to RAJDHANI group for serving such good unlimited food @ affordable price tagDSC00372

Thanks to Meghna, Rajiv, Neha, Vibhor, Dhiru & Vaisak for taking time out to come to my humble treat .

Thanks to Vasanth Doss for his ISD call @ the right time DSC00361

Thanks to Neha for ordering the yummiest black forest.thanks to Thom’s bakery for making it so good.Thanks to Vibhor for picking it up

Thanks to Meghs for the good fitting black tshirt

Thanks to Vaisak n Rajiv for their double gift

With the landmark card i bought my first book- Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged (recommended by bookie friend Snigismile_regular )

and the second gift came a lil late but was worth the wait…all my favorite moments from Alliance captured in a calendar aptly named PRICELESSCapture